
Launch Conference: Future information literacy in an era of AI

17 January 2025/10.00 - 12.00
Ny Kongensgade 9, København

In a world where information flows faster than ever and artificial intelligence is already shaping our daily lives, information literacy has become a crucial key to the future. The ability to search for, evaluate, and critically apply information is no longer just a skill but a democratic necessity. Nevertheless, the trend shows that the information literacy of children and young people is under pressure across educational levels.

Think Tank Future Libraries and Think Tank Mandag Morgen are launching a new in-depth study on young people’s information literacy in an era of AI as part of the Algorithms, Data, and Democracy (ADD) project.

The report examines the current state of young people’s ability to search for, evaluate, and process information in a time when technological advancements and the rise of generative AI are reshaping how we engage with information. It also identifies the competencies needed to navigate the complex and massive information landscape, offering actionable recommendations to equip young people with the tools to understand and thrive in a digital reality. Simultaneously, the report highlights the resources necessary for educational institutions, libraries, and other stakeholders to support this development effectively.

Event Details
The launch will take place at Mandag Morgen, Ny Kongensgade 9, 1472 Copenhagen K, on Friday, January 17, from 10:00 to 12:00 and will be live-streamed. Participation is free, but registration is required.


  • 10:00-10:05
    Welcome and framing by Lisbeth Knudsen, Strategic Director, Think Tank Mandag Morgen
  • 10:05-10:20
    Keynote speech by Vincent Hendricks, Director, Center for Information and Bubble Studies, University of Copenhagen
  • 10:20-10:50
    Presentation of the study’s main findings by Rasmus Wagtmann, Senior Analyst, Think Tank Mandag Morgen
  • 10:50-11:00
  • 11:00-11:45
    Panel discussion featuring:
    • Birgitte Vedersø, Member, Expert Group on Future Information Literacy
    • Caroline Hermansen, Chair, Danish School Students’ Association
    • Jesper Vangkilde, Communications Manager, Google Denmark
    • Martin Exner, Member, Expert Group on Future Information Literacy
  • 11:45-12:00
    Conversation between Lisbeth Knudsen and Michel Steen-Hansen, Director, Danish Library Association

The project is supported by the Danish Agency for Culture and Palaces.