
People in the ADD-project

Six danish universities working together

Sine Nørholm Just
Sine Nørholm Just is a professor of strategic communication at the Department of Communication and Arts, Roskilde University. Sine is the principal investigator of the ADD-project, and she heads the subproject on the use of data and algorithms in personal and public decisions on issues of health.
Torben Elgaard Jensen
Torben Elgaard Jensen is a professor of techno-anthropology at the Department of Culture and Learning, Aalborg University. In the ADD-project, Torben leads the work package on theory development, and he is responsible for the subproject on privacy and cybersecurity. Torben has researched innovation, knowledge production and user involvement in various contexts.
Christina Lioma
Christina Lioma is a professor of computer science and head of the Machine Learning Section at the Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen. Christina heads the methodological work package of the ADD-project. She researches algorithmic modelling, develop, and evaluation and has received several international awards for her work with applied AI.
Helene Friis Ratner
Associate professor
Helene Friis Ratner is an associate professor in education studies at the Danish School of Education, Aarhus University. She co-leads the empirical work package of the ADD-project and is responsible for the subproject on the use of predictive algorithms in public administration.
Leonard Seabrooke
Leonard Seabrooke is a professor of international political economy and economic sociology at the Department of Organization, Copenhagen Business School. He co-leads the empirical work package of the ADD-project and is responsible for the subproject on the use of data and algorithms in the fields of finance and insurance.
Alf Rehn
Alf Rehn is a professor of innovation, design and management at the Department of Technology and Innovation, University of Southern Denmark. In the ADD-project, Alf heads the subproject on the uses of algorithms, data and AI within the fields of innovation, technological development and management. His research interests include the power-knowledge relations in novel technologies.
Maria Maistro
Tenure track assistant professor
Maria Maistro is a tenure track assistant professor at the Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen. Maria has a PhD in computer science from the University of Padua, and has held post.doc. positions at the universities of Padua and Copenhagen. In the ADD-project Maria co-leads the work package on methodology.
David Budtz Pedersen
David Budtz Pedersen is a professor of Science Communication and Director of the Humanomics Research Centre in Copenhagen, Denmark. His research focuses on evidence-informed policy-making, science advice and impact assessment. David is the knowledge broker of the ADD-project, and he heads the integration between research and outreach.
Morten Heuser
Morten Heuser is PhD in the ADD-project, where he in association with Torben Elgaard Jensen and colleagues from Aalborg University TANTlab will investigate it-infrastructure projects with impact on citizens private life and cyber security.
Prins Marcus Valiant Lantz
Prins Marcus Valiant Lantz is post.doc at the Department of Communication and Arts, Roskilde University. Marcus works with professor Sine Nørholm Just on the project: “Issues of Datafied Health”. The project investigates the use of algortihms in personal and public health decisions.
Ida Schrøder
Ida Schrøder is post.doc at the Department for Education Studies, DPU, Århus University. Ida works closely with Helene Ratner on the project Public Administration and Prediction. The project investigates the development and use of predictive algorithms as support in decision-making in public administration.
Rolf Hvidtfeldt
Assistant Professor
Rolf Hvidtfeldt is an Assistant Professor of Philosophy of Science and Research Evaluation at the Humanomics Research Centre in Copenhagen, Denmark. His research is mainly focused on interdisciplinary science, data-based science, and assessment of the societal impact of research. Rolf works with David Budtz Pedersen on the integration between research and outreach.
Mathieu Jacomy
Mathieu Jacomy is a post doc in the ADD project. Together with Torben Elgaard Jensen, he and his colleagues from the TANTlab at Aalborg University will develop the datasprint method that will support the empirical subprojects in ADD.
Anders Koed Madsen
Associate professor
Anders Koed Madsen is associated with the ADD project. Together with Torben Elgaard Jensen, he and his colleagues from the TANTlab at Aalborg University will develop the datasprint method that will support the empirical subprojects in ADD.
Astrid Oberborbeck Andersen
Associate professor
Astrid Oberborbeck Andersen is associated with the ADD project. Together with Torben Elgaard Jensen and Morten Heuser, she will conduct ethnographic investigations of IT-infrastructures and cybersecurity practices.
Nanna Würtz Kristiansen
Nanna Würtz Kristiansen is PhD student at the Department of Communication and Arts, Roskilde University. Together with Sine Nørholm Just and colleagues, Nanna is investigating the use of data and algorithms in personal and public decisions on issues of health.
Sara Dahlman
Sara Dahlman is post.doc at the Department of Communication and Arts, Roskilde University. Sara works with professor Sine Nørholm Just on the project: “Issues of Datafied Health”. The project investigates the use of algorithms in personal and public health decisions.
Alexander Gamerdinger
Alexander Gamerdinger is a PhD Fellow at the Department of Organization, Copenhagen Business School. Together with Leonard Seabrooke and colleagues, Alexander investigates the use of data and algorithms in insurance and the economic and social consequences thereof.
Annika Isfeldt
PhD student Annika Isfeldt explores the development of predictive analytics within public administration and the humanitarian sector together with the project’s co-PI, Helene Friis Ratner, and colleagues.
Johann Ole Willers
Johann Ole Willers is post.doc at the Department of Organization, Copenhagen Business School. Ole works with Professor Leonard Seabrooke on the ‘Financial Transparency’ project and investigates the use of data and algorithms in the insurance industry.
Ib T. Guldbrandsen
Associate professor
Ib T. Gulbrandsen is an associate professor at the Department of Communication and Arts, Roskilde University. In the ADD-project Ib co-leads Roskilde University’s research activities and project management responsibilities.
Theresia Veronika Rampisela
Theresia Veronika Rampisela is a PhD student at the Machine Learning section, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen. Together with Christina Lioma, Maria Maistro, and Tuukka Ruotsalo, she will investigate data biases and evaluate fairness in recommender systems.
Laura Anna Kocksch
Together with Torben Elgaard Jensen, Laura Anna Kocksch researches Danish SMEs cybersecurity practices by employing ethnographic methods. Along with colleagues in the TANTlab, she crafts data-driven stories and occasions for speculative fabulation.
Carl Stefan Roth-Kirkegaard
Carl Stefan Roth-Kirkegaard is postdoc at the department of Technology and Innovation at University of Southern Denmark. Carl Stefan works with Professor Alf Rehn and colleagues to investigate the impact of algorithms and AI in processes of innovation and technological development.
Trine Bøgeskov Madsen
Project Coordinator
Trine Bøgeskov Madsen is Project Coordinator on the ADD project, and is in charge of Roskilde University’s administrative management responsibilities.
Ulrikke Dybdal Sørensen
Research Assistant and Project Manager
Ulrikke Dybdal Sørensen is project manager and Research assistant at Department of Communication and Psychology, Aalborg University, Copenhagen. She is working together with David Budtz Pedersen and Rolf Hvidtfeldt in the Knowledge broker unit of the project, and she will be facilitating the ongoing tasks associated with the integration between research and outreach. Her focus…
Alfred Lund Felumb
Research assistant
Alfred Lund Felumb is associated with the Techno-Anthropology Lab at Aalborg University, Copenhagen. Together with Torben Elgaard Jensen he will investigate the consequences of COVID-19 on the data practices of the Danish Patient Safety Authority.
Matilde Ficozzi
Research Assistant
Matilde Ficozzi is employed as a research assistant at Aalborg University. Together with Mathieu Jacomy and other colleagues at Tantlab, she will support the empirical subprojects investigating the role of AI in different social spheres and developing controversy mapping projects for knowledge brokering
Rosie Collington
Rosie Collington is a postdoc at the Department of Organisation, Copenhagen Business School. She researches the role of climate modelling and econometric algorithms in green transition policy, working with Professor Leonard Seabrooke on the ‘Financial Transparency’ package
Pietro Tropeano
Pietro Tropeano is a PhD student in the IR Lab at the Machine Learning section, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen. Together with Christina Lioma, Maria Maistro, and Tuukka Ruotsalo, he is investigating aspects of algorithmic generalizability.