
Join the launch conference on young people’s information literacy

A new study examines how young people search for and engage with information in an era of AI.

The study is under the ADD project and is made by Think Tank Future Libraries and Think Tank Mandag Morgen.

The study utilizes the so-called mobile ethnography method, providing a unique behind-the-scenes look at young people’s use of digital technologies. The results will be presented at the launch conference on Friday, January 17, at Ny Kongensgade 9.

Key topics include:

  • Why young people believe they are good at finding information
  • How young people practice source criticism
  • And why they don’t always act as they claim they will

At the conference, you will hear from speakers such as: Lisbeth Knudsen, Strategic Director at Altinget and Mandag Morgen, Jesper Vangkilde, Communications Manager at Google, Caroline Helene Hermansen, Chair of the Danish School Students’ Association, Birgitte Vedersø, Member of the Expert Group on Future Information Literacy, Martin Exner, Member of the Expert Group on Future Information Literacy and Michel Steen-Hansen, Director of the Danish Library Association.