
Mads Claus Rasmussen/Ritzau Scanpix

Lisbeth Knudsen: Citizens are being forgotten in the government’s top-down strategy for artificial intelligence

In this column published on, Lisbeth Knudsen shares her perspectives on the agreement.

Mads Claus Rasmussen/Ritzau Scanpix

“This could have been a strategy that made Denmark stand out on the world map with citizen-focused and ethically responsible AI, and not just with efficiency gains. Unfortunately, the content of the strategy and the planned implementation process appear to repeat old missteps from IT projects that have already left deep marks in the Danish public sector,” writes Lisbeth Knudsen, Strategy Director for Altinget and Mandag Morgen.

The strategy for artificial intelligence was presented by the government on December 2nd and can be read on the Ministry of Digitalization’s website.

“The strategy is deeply rooted in ambitions of technological leadership, but there is almost no mention of how citizens will be involved and benefit from this AI revolution. Where is the public anchoring? Where are the democratic values that should be at the core of any public AI strategy? What considerations have been made regarding inclusion, accessibility, and transparency?” writes Lisbeth Knudsen.