The Algorithms, Data & Democracy team at Roskilde University would like to invite you to an event on the changes that happen at unexpected places when implementing artificial intelligence. To shed light on this question, ADD has invited the brilliant organizational scholar Lauren Waardenburg (who did 31 months of field work in the Dutch police, see bio below).
It will be a mixed event in which we also welcome practitioners who are working on/interested in understanding AI in society, and especially what happens when implementing AI systems in ‘the real world’. Further, instead of just listening, we will also be discussing how these insights relate to our own experiences/field work/etc.
Read all about it and sign up here.
Please feel free to share the invitation in your relevant network.
We hope to see as many of you and to continue our conversations around the many societal aspects and (unexpected?) consequences of implementing AI.
Kind regards, Marcus Lantz and the rest of the ADD team @ RUC
The speaker:
Lauren Waardenburg is an assistant professor at IESEG School of Management in Lille, France. Her main research interests are related to the role of technology for occupational emergence and change, the reconfiguration of work and organizing due to intelligent technologies, and the duality of the physical and the digital. She has a specific interest in using ethnography as a research method for studying technology in practice.
See also Lauren and colleagues’ recent paper from Organization Science (2022): “In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man Is King: Knowledge Brokerage in the Age of Learning Algorithms”